Erisman certified organic wheat is a bearded, early maturing soft red winter
wheat variety developed for organic and low input cropping systems. Erisman wheat
was developed at the University of Illinois by Fred Kolb and Allison Krill and selected for
superior yield and high test weight under both conventional and organic conditions.
Erisman also has excellent milling and baking qualities.
Erisman wheat is a taller variety that competes well with cover crops and has
outstanding disease tolerance, which leads to higher yields.
Erisman wheat is resistant to Fusarium Head Blight, Glume Blotch, Stripe Rust
and Soil Borne Mosaic Virus. Erisman wheat is 2.5 days earlier and 2.3 inches taller
than Kaskaskia wheat. Being an early maturing variety makes it an outstanding choice
for double cropping with soybeans.